Taurida National University named after V.I. Vernadsky, Kyiv
State Higher Educational Institution “LvivNationalMedicalUniversity” named after Daniil Galitsky
National Ecological and Naturalistic Center for Students of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
NGO “Association of Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine of Ukraine”
Department of Fundamental Problems of Medicine of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine
National Scientific Medical Library of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
LLC “Dnipro Medical Institute of Traditional and Alternative Medicine”, Dnipro
LLC “Academy of Natural and Complementary Medicine”, Kyiv
Scientific and practical congress with international participation, involving young scientists, students
(hereinafter referred to as the Congress)
Dear colleagues!
The Organizing Committee of the Scientific and Practical Congress, guided by the slogan “Healthy Motherland – Healthy Country”, has the honor to invite you to participate in the work of a scientific event dedicated to the problems of the present – “Health and a healthy lifestyle: from plants to humans.” The congress is included in the “Register of congresses, congresses, symposiums, scientific and practical conferences, scientific seminars and plenums that will be held in 2022 by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine” (Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 12.01.2022, No. 06).
The congress will be held online on November 25, 2022 from 10.00 to 18.00 at the National Scientific Medical Library of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine at the address Kyiv, st. Leo Tolstoy, 7, (metro station Lva Tolstoy square), Conference hall.
The purpose of the Congress is to discuss the current state of educational, methodological and clinical support with methods and means of complementary / alternative (folk and non-traditional) medicine (hereinafter referred to as NTM) in Ukraine and the world, as a single holistic medical direction, as well as individual methods and practices in the context of human health , a healthy lifestyle in a period of socio-economic and environmental upheavals.
- Topical issues and a look at the current state of development of complementary / alternative medicine in Ukraine and the world in accordance with the main directions set out in the WHO Strategy for Traditional Medicine for 2014-2023 in the context of a healthy lifestyle.
- Conceptual issues of complementary/alternative medicine in Ukraine and the world in the context of state policy to ensure and implement a healthy lifestyle.
- Medico-biological and social aspects of health:
3.1. “Healthy Family – Healthy Country”.
3.2. “Health and a healthy lifestyle: from plants to humans.”
- Structure of S&S in Ukraine, legal and legal aspects.
- Scientific and methodological substantiation of the use of N&NM methods in complex, preventive therapy and medical, physical therapy, occupational therapy and rehabilitation of patients of different ages against the background of comorbid diseases with the introduction of standards and principles of evidence-based medicine.
- Problems of standards and criteria for the quality education of future specialists. Integration and educational and methodological support of N&S methods in the educational process.
- NATO: a look at the application of complementary medicine methods in the rehabilitation and restoration of the health of combatants. Socio-economic expediency of the effectiveness of the application of S&S methods in the context of global problems both in Ukraine and in the world.
- Mental and physical health: problematic issues. Complementary/alternative screening methods for diagnosing and correcting health.
8.1.Methods of psychological, social, professional rehabilitation and their impact on the restoration of human health.
10.Natural, natural ways of healing. Phytotherapy and pharmacognosy: teaching experience in the specialties “Medicine”, “Dentistry” and “Pharmacy”, “Physical therapy, occupational therapy”.
10.1. Herbal health practices: from folk recipes to evidence-based, registered herbal remedies. Phyto – extempore.
10.2. Nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals.
- Homeopathy: experience in teaching and application in medicine and physical therapy, occupational therapy, medical rehabilitation.
11.1. Homeopathy and pharmacology – two “sides of the same coin” of health and treatment.
- Osteopathy, manual therapy: experience in teaching and application in medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation
- Ayurveda and Tibetan medicine: features, realities and prospects in Ukraine and the world.
- Chinese traditional medicine: realities and prospects in Ukraine and the world.
- Iridology: express and screening diagnostics in doctor’s practice.
- Aromatherapy and phytoergonomics.
- Information medicine: experience in teaching and application in medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy. Realities and prospects.
- Information hygiene in the modern world. “Information diseases of our time”.
- Electropuncture and informational diagnostics: experience in teaching and implementing as a screening method for diagnosing and monitoring the effectiveness of treatment and physical health.
- Draft Law on amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine on the simplification of business conditions (deregulation) No. 7689: regulatory and legal aspects of the regulation of healing in Ukraine and the world.
- Issues of deontology and medical ethics in the field of S&NM. Culture of communication and healing: “The word heals, the word heals.”
- Therapeutic physical culture as a therapeutic and prophylactic method of recovery.
- SPA – procedures as a method of rehabilitation and recovery.
- Topical issues and prospects of public organizations-associations.
23.1. NGO “Association of Specialists of Traditional and Alternative Medicine of Ukraine” – 18 years: history of formation and prospects.
- Present and future realities of young scientists. Formation of the future scientific elite. Bioethics in scientific research.
- Phytotherapy. Journal” is a scientific and practical professional edition of Ukraine (category “B”) on biological, medical, pharmaceutical sciences and physical therapy, occupational therapy – 20 years.
- Aromatherapy. Phytotherapy.
- Nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals.
- Apitherapy, hirudotherapy. Animal Therapy
- Ayurveda, traditional systems of detoxification and nutrition.
- Information medicine. bioresonance therapy.
- Homeopathy.
- Massage, manual therapy, osteopathy, cranio-sacral therapy, occupational therapy.
- Acupuncture, reflexology, su-jok therapy.
- Electropuncture diagnostics.
- Traditional Chinese medicine, qigong therapy.
- Psychological support and health adjustment.
- SPA procedures.
Forms of participation in the Congress online:
- Oral presentation with the possibility of presentation in PowerPoint.
- Press conference.
- Round table
- Presentation of the company.
- Master Class
- Seminar
- Publication of abstracts, articles.
- Absentee participation.
- Online participation of participants from near and far abroad countries, as well as participants from Ukrainian cities.
Publication conditions:
The materials of the Congress will be published in the professional scientific and practical journal “Phytotherapy. Journal” in accordance with the requirements and recommendations for scientific articles.
Abstracts (up to 1 page) and articles (up to 10 pages with references, abstracts and keywords in Ukrainian, Russian, English) are given according to the following structure: UDC, title of the work (in capital letters), initials and surnames of authors, scientific title, scientific degree (master, postgraduate, doctoral student, practitioner, healer); full name of the institution (place of work, training); sections of abstracts and articles: relevance, purpose of the work, materials and research methods, research results and their discussion, conclusions about the feasibility of practical use of the experience gained, prospects for further research. References to literary sources for the article are required. Materials that violate the principles of ethics and do not meet the above requirements will not be published.
- The cost of publishing abstracts for participants (individuals) from Ukraine and the CIS countries is 250 UAH, students – 100 UAH. for 1800 characters (one page).
- Registration fee for participants from Ukraine and CIS countries – 550 UAH, students – 100 UAH.
- An agreement is concluded with a legal entity for participation in a scientific event, which specifies the form of participation and payment.
- Payment for participation in the Congress (registration fee) and publication of abstracts or articles should be made by money transfer to the current account until October 19, 2022:
Payment receiver:
NGO “Association of Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine of Ukraine” |
Kyiv City
tel.: +38(050) 353-03-26 |
p/p IBAN- UA 733808050000000026001591851 in JSC “RAIFFEISEN BANK AVAL”, Kyiv, MFO 380805 |
Identification code: | 33443640 |
The participant’s questionnaire, abstracts, receipt of payment of the cost of publication must be sent before October 15, 2022 to the e-mail: phitotherapy.chasopys@gmail.com
Congress Venue:
Kiev, st. Leo Tolstoy, 7,
National Scientific Medical Library of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine,
metro station “Lva Tolstoy Square, 7”
Official languages of the Congress:
Ukrainian, English.
- oral – up to 15 minutes.
poster presentation – 15 min.
- presentation of the company, discussion – up to 7 minutes.
seminar – up to 25 min.
master class – up to 25 min.
MATERIALS OF THE CONGRESS (abstracts) AND CERTIFICATESindicating the number of points will be sent by mail after the end of the Congress (subject to online participation) according to the address stated in the participant’s questionnaire.
Congress schedule:
November 25, 2022:
09:45-09:55 – Registration of Congress participants online
10:00-10:25 – Press conference, round table
10:30-12:55 – I Plenary session.
13:00-13:25 – Break, coffee.
13:30-15:00 – Breakout sessions.
15:05-15:15 – Break.
15:20-17:30 – Breakout sessions.
17:30 -17:55 – discussions, adoption of a resolution, presentation of participant certificates and awards.
18:00 – Closing of the Congress.
Within the framework of the Congress on October 20, 2022, from 10.00-16.15, MASTER CLASSES and thematic SEMINARS will be held on various methods and areas of S&S.
The topics of master classes, seminars for participation will be presented in the program in accordance with the application that you indicate in the questionnaire.
Contact phone numbers:
Department of Physical Education, Sports and Human Health:
+380950524124 Kravchenko Anna Vitalievna.
+380976960071; +380634518485 Demidova Elena Akimovna.
+380933798182 – Zelenyuk Oksana Vladimirovna.
+38 050 3530326; +380984287216 Garnik Tatyana Petrovna
Accommodation and hotel booking:
+38(044) 430 02 60; +38 0964812183 Katsurak Maria Ivanovna
Questionnaire for the Congress participant November 25, 2022
Surname __________________________________________________
Name _______________________________________________________
Middle name __________________________________________________
Science degree _____________________________________________
Academic title ________________________________________________
Job title ____________________________________________________
Name of organization/institution
(place of work, training) ______________________________________________
Topic of the report, master class, seminar, theses, article (underline) _________________________________________________________________________
co-authors ________________________________________________________
Postal: city (with postal code) address, or New mail No. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact number: __________________________________________________________________
Form of participation in the congress:
- oral presentation
- company stand presentation
- listener
- Master Class
- absentee participation
- publication
- seminar
- poster presentation
- online
Technical means of presentation
- multimedia projector
Date “____” ____________ 2022 _______________ signature
Please send the completed questionnaire to e-mail: phitotherapy.chasopys@gmail.com
Information about events on the website www:uanm. org.ua
Organizing Committee