MES of Ukraine
Taurida State Institute named after V.I. Vernadsky, Kyiv
National Ecological and Naturalistic Center for Students of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
National Scientific Medical Library of Ukraine
SHEI “Lviv National Medical University
named after Daniil Galitsky
Klaipeda University, Lithuania
European Medical Association, Belgium
World Society of Medical Qigong, China. Beijing
Grand Hotel Sava****Zagreb****, Rogaška, Slatina. Slovenia
Company “ROI SANITATEM AQUA” Ukraine – Slovenia
Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine,
Department of Fundamental Problems of Medicine
NGO “Association of Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine of Ukraine”
Dneprovsky Medical Institute of Traditional and Alternative Medicine
LLC “Zolotaya Niva, sanatorium Zolotaya Niva”, Sergeevka village, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district, Odessa region.
LLC “Academy of Natural and Complementary Medicine”, Kyiv
Scientific congress with international participation, involving young scientists, students
November 25.2022., Kyiv City
Kyiv – 2022
The Organizing Committee expresses its gratitude to everyone for their support and assistance in holding a scientific Congress with international participation, involving young scientists, students “Synthesis of theory and practice in educational, methodological and clinical support of a healthy lifestyle”, included in the register of scientific events of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Certificate of 12 ). .2022 No. 6):
Bionorica, Germany
LLC “International Center for Homeopathy”, Ukraine – UAE
Medical center “Family Сare”, Kiev
Medical Diagnostic Center “YANA”, Lutsk
Medical center LLC “FITO-DANIMIR”, Kyiv
Botanical Garden. Academician O.V. Fomina, Kiev
Astrocenter “Selena”, Ukraine-Germany
Center for alternative medicine “Energy”, Kyiv
LLC “Green Planet Earth”, Kyiv
Health Center of Mykola Yakovchuk, Kyiv
OOO Olvia Nova
Information Support:
“Health and Longevity”
“Phytotherapy. Magazine”
“Green Planet Earth”
Internet portals
MES of Ukraine
Taurida State Institute named after V.I. Vernadsky, Kyiv
National Ecological and Naturalistic Center for Students of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
National Scientific Medical Library of Ukraine
SHEI “Lviv National Medical University named after I.I. Daniel of Galitsky”
Klaipeda University, Lithuania
European Medical Association, Belgium
World Society of Medical Qigong, China, Beijing
Grand Hotel Sava****Zagreb****, Rogaška, Slatina. Slovenia
Company “ROI SANITATEM AQUA”, Ukraine-Slovenia
Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine,
Department of Fundamental Problems of Medicine
NGO “Association of Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine of Ukraine”
Dneprovsky Medical Institute of Traditional and Alternative Medicine
LLC Zolotaya Niva, Zolotaya Niva sanatorium, Sergeevka village, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district, Odessa region
LLC “Academy of Natural and Complementary Medicine”, Kyiv
Scientific Congress with international participation, involving young scientists, students (hereinafter referred to as the Congress)
November 25, 2022
Under the editorship of Dr. med. n., prof. T.P. Garnik
Approved program by the decision of the Academic Council LLC “Dnipro Medical Institute”traditional and alternative medicine, Dnipro city (protocol No. 2 of 09/30/2022)
Information for participants
Location of the online Congress: Kyiv, st. Leo Tolstoy, 7, National Scientific Medical Library of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Metro stop: Lev Tolstoy.
Plan of the Congress
Meeting November 25, 2022
Registration of participants online 09:30-09:55
Solemn congratulations to the participants: Denmark, Belgium, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Germany, China, Turkey, Ukraine. 10:00–10:40
And plenary session online 10 45 – 13:00
Break, coffee 13:05-13:30
II plenary session online 13:35-17:00
Presentation of companies and technologies
FROMseminars, master class, lectures: “Educational methods and practices of complementary / alternative medicine in the circle of specialists” 13:45-16:30
Zaporozhye, presentation site: st. Zhukovsky, house. 64, building 1, third floor, auditorium (69063)320; moderator – manager Department Kovaleva Olga Vladimirovna: +380504536458.
Odessa region, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district, Sergeevka village, Zolotaya Niva LLC, Zolotaya Niva sanatorium, moderator – director Larisa Tkachuk: +380976464910.
Odessa, st. Sakharova house. 1b, 2nd floor, auditorium of the Medical Center Yanko-Medicom, moderator – director Yanko Sergey Vsevolodovich +380675580448; Korno Natalia +380732228687.
Dnipro, st. Titov, house. 10, room; Moderator – Vice-Rector for International Relations Sokolovsky Sergey Ivanovich +380973900958.
Lviv, Chervona Kalina avenue, bld. 68, 4 city clinic (7th floor), auditorium of the department; moderator – head teacher of the department Matsko Natalya Vasilievna +380677132758.
Kharkiv: moderator – Pustovoit Mikhail Afanasyevich +380507291391.
Nazarchuk Irina Anatolievna +380675791974
China: Moderators – Xu Mingtang WatsApp+7 926 108 91 08
Martynova Tamara Ivanovna +380675072885
Presiding Officers’ Reports (discussions, discussion, adoption of the draft resolution, presentation of certificates) 16:35-16:55
Closing of the Congress 18:00
Official languages of the Congress: Ukrainian, English
Bortnyak Valery Anatolievich, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Rector of Taurida National University named after V.I.Vernadsky, Kiev
Abramov Sergey Viktorovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Rector of LLC “Dneprovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Alternative Medicine”, Dnipro (GMITNM)
Ostapenko Tatyana Anatolyevna, and about. General Director of the National Scientific Medical Library of Ukraine, Kiev
Costigola Vincenzo, MD/MD, President of the European Medical Association, Belgium
Dobrovolskaya Natalya Anatolyevna, d. psychol. n., Associate Professor, Head of the General University Department of Physical Education, Sports and Human Health, Taurida National University named after V.I. Vernadsky, Kiev.
Nakonechny Alexander Grigorievich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, President of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine
Verbitsky Vladimir Valentinovich, Honored Worker of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko, Director of the National Ecological and Naturalistic Center for Students of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Garnik Tatyana Petrovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Sports and Human Health, Taurida National University named after V.I. Vernadsky; chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the specialty “Folk and non-traditional medicine”; President of the NGO “Association of Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine of Ukraine”; expert of the commission on phytopreparations and homeopathic remedies of the SEC of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine; Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine.
Mockeviieena Daiva, MD/MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Holistic Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipeda University, Klaipeda, Lithuania.
Titov German Ivanovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting Professor, First Vice-Rector of the Dnipro Medical Institute of Traditional and Alternative Medicine
Andriyuk Lukyan Vasilievich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Rehabilitation and Non-Traditional Methods of Treatment of the State Higher Educational Institution “Daniil Halytsky Lviv National Medical University”; chief freelance specialist of the Department of Health of the Lviv Regional State Administration, specializing in Folk and Alternative Medicine.
Members of the organizing committee:
Voloshin Alexander Ivanovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine.
Gorovaya Ella Vladimirovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Sports and Health of the Taurida National University named after V.I. Vernadsky.
Trikash Nikolay Vladimirovich, doctor of the highest category of pediatric anesthesiology, rehabilitation, head of the department of anesthesiology with intensive care beds at KNP “Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 1”.
Gorchakova Nadezhda Alexandrovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, National Medical University named after A.A. Bogomolets.
Kovalenko Olga Evgenievna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care of the National University of Health of Ukraine. Shupyk; President of the NGO “Ukrainian Association of Reflexology and Medical Acupuncture”.
Litvinova Lada Ivanovna, Best Medical Practice project manager, Ukraine-Belgium-UK.
Radish Yaroslav Fedorovich, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor of the National University of Health of Ukraine named after. P.L. Shupyk.
Sokolovsky Sergey Ivanovich, to. honey. Sc., Assoc. Prof., Vice-Rector for International Relations of the GMITNM.
Zhukova Lyudmila Petrovna, Member of the Presidium of the Association of Psychotherapists and Psychoanalysts of Ukraine, Honorary Professor of the International University of Vienna and the Academic Union of Oxford, laureate of International awards (11 orders, 7 medals), Director of the Center for Alternative Medicine “Energetika”, Kyiv.
Terekhov, Eric Head of the Board of the International Association of Complementary Medicine, Latvia.
Gokhen Aydogdu, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Complementary Medicine, Turkey
Organizing committee secretariat general university department of physical education, sports and human health and NGO “Association of Specialists in Folk and Alternative Medicine of Ukraine”:
Kravchenko Anna Vitalievna +38(095)0524124
Zelenyuk Oksana Vladimirovna +38(093)3798182
Shust Vasily Vladimirovich +38(067)4400307; +38(066)3541475
Demidova Elena Akimovna +38(097)6960071; +38(063)4518485
Garnik Tatyana Petrovna +38(050)3530326; +38(098)4287216
Hotel booking:
Katsurak Maria Ivanovna +38(044)4300260; +38(096)4812183
Meeting November 25, 2022
09:30-9:55 Registration of participants of the Congress on-line/off-line
10:00-10:40 Opening of the Congress
Vincenzo Costigliola, MD/MD, President of the European Medical Association, Belgium.
Daiva Moskovicienė, Head of the Department of Holistic Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipeda University, Klaipeda, Lithuania.
Xu Minton, Qigong Grand Master, Professor at Guangxi Province TCM University, Image Medicine Direct Lineage Holder, Founder of the American Kundawell Medical Research Institute, Director of the Beijing Kundawell Institute, Director of the Mingtang International Foundation, Vice President of World Gong.
Gokhen Aydogdu, Head of Complementary Medicine Board, Turkey.
Nakonechny Alexander Grigorievich, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences, Professor, President of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, Ukraine.
Litvinchuk Nadezhda Efimovna, state expert of the information security service of the apparatus, National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC).
Evtushenko Vyacheslav Viktorovich, Deputy Head of the Health Department of the Department of Humanitarian and Social Policy of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Verbitsky Vladimir Valentinovich, Honored Worker of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Kyiv National University. T. Shevchenko, director of the National Ecological and Naturalistic Center for Students of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Tsyganov Victor Anatolievich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, President of the Academy of Holistic Medicine, Germany.
Terekhov, EricHead of the Board of the International Association of Complementary Medicine, Latvia.
Radish Yaroslav Fedorovich, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor of the National University of Health of Ukraine.
Panaid Vitaly Ivanovich, head of the company “ROI Sanitatem Aqua”, Ukraine – Slovenia.
Alesh Topolshek, Marketing Director Grand Hotel Sava****Zagreb****, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia.
Abramov Sergey Viktorovich, Rector of DMITNM.
Massimo Marie, doctor, psychiatrist, director of the Department of Mental Health of the Le Marche region, member of the GORES organizing group for emergencies of the Le Marche region, teacher and trainer in psychoanalysis.
November 25, 2022, 10:45-13:30
Report time limit – 15 min.
presiding: Garnik Tatyana Petrovna
Co-chairs: Verbitsky Vladimir Valentinovich
Nakonechny Alexander Grigorievich
Dobrovolskaya Natalia Anatolievna
Gorovaya Ella Vladimirovna
Abramov Sergey Viktorovich
Andriyuk Lukyan Vasilievich
Secretary: Kravchenko Anna Vitalievna
Garnik T.P., Bortnyak V.A., Dobrovolskaya N.A., Evtushenko V.V., Trikash M.V., Garnik K.V., Kyiv. Special scientific and practical publication “Phytotherapy. Journal” – 20 years: “Illumination of topical issues of complementary/alternative medicine in health practices in Ukraine and in the world”.
Andriyuk L.V., Lvov. Medical readaptation and rehabilitation of post-stroke patients.
Klaipeda University Master of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Jūratė Noack (juratenoack@gmail.com)
Klaipeda University Master of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Orinta Minalgaitė-Zubavičienė “Similar methods of using the holistic kuksund method for a more rigorous aspiration for female workers-time” (orintamz@gmail.com)
Ostapenko T.A., Kolomiets L.M., Skoda Yu.V., Kyiv. Scientific and practical publications about the health practices of Ukraine and the world.
Gorchakova N.A., Belenichev I.F., Bukhtiyarova N.V., Belenichev K.I.,
Doroshenko A.I. Kyiv – Zaporozhye. Anti-aging effects of antioxidants from the group of bioflavonoids.
Shitikov T.A., Dnepr. On the training of specialists in tactical physical therapy or “Military Fitness”
Zubitskaya V.A., Kyiv. Author’s herbal medicine Zubitsky – help during martial law.
Xu Mingtang, Martynova T.I. China, Beijing-Ukraine, Kyiv. Through the activation of the physical body to psycho-emotional recovery, healing.
Filatovich O.V., Kyiv. The practice of restoring healthy cell function through informotherapy with a living word.
Kovalenko E.E., Kyiv. Reflexology during the war: medical and rehabilitation opportunities and development prospects.
Globa O.P., Antonova-Rafi Yu.V., Massimo Mari, Ukraine-Italy. Ukraine-Italy network cooperation: development and approbation of a methodology for correcting the psychophysical state of Ukrainian refugees.
Krutov V.V., Kyiv. The system of medical and psychological rehabilitation: problems and solutions. Worldview-innovative approach.
Ermolaeva F.V., Mormul T.S. Zaporozhye. The impact of complex rehabilitation on the quality of life of patients with cerebrovascular pathology.
Kondrat, L.I., Zaporozhye. The use of Su Jok therapy in the pathology of the musculoskeletal system.
Taran G.I., Gorbunova O.V., Dnepro-Zaporozhye. Physical foundations of physical therapy on the example of thermal treatment of diseases resulting from cold injury.
Kovaleva O.V., Kovaleva A.A., Zaporozhye. Complex application of Nordic walking in the pathology of the musculoskeletal system in wartime conditions.
Pototskaya S.V., Ukraine – Montenegro. Possibilities of iridology as an express and screening method in menopause in the correction of health status.
Shust V.V., Adyrkhaeva L.V., Kyiv. Features of self-educational activity of students using modern information and communication technologies.
Anokhina S.V., Alexandria. Damage to the organ of vision in undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia. Prevention and treatment.
13:35-13:55. Break: coffee, tea
14:00–17:30. Second plenary session, online broadcast (Ukraine – Lithuania)
Chairperson: Dobrovolskaya Natalya Anatolyevna
Co-chairs Andriyuk Lukyan Vasilyevich
Gorovaya Ella Vladimirovna
Verbitsky Vladimir Valentinovich
Secretary Oksana Zelenyuk
Tkachuk L.V., town. Sergeevka, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district, Odessa region Wellness programs of the Zolotaya Niva Sanatorium. LLC “Zolotaya Niva” in rehabilitation therapy and providing continuous training for specialists.
Marilovtseva N.A., Kyiv. A holistic approach to the patient as the basis for the restoration and promotion of health in the context of the practical training of future specialists.
Pivovarchuk V.S., Usenko E.A., Kizhaev S.A., Dnepr. Pivovarchuk Method: TM Health Builder for Common Diseases.
Nazarchuk I.A., Kharkov. Scientific and practical substantiation of the use of homeopathy in the treatment of patients with vertebro-neurological disorders. Gubenko V.P., Kyiv. Complex treatment of non-specific pain in the lower back of non-radicular origin.
Slobodyanyuk N.P., Kyiv. “Modern approach in treatment of degenerative changes in the lumbosacral spine with segmental instability using regenerative medicine”
Gorova E. V., Kyiv. Complementary / alternative medicine – the possibilities and prospects of the present in the improvement of different segments of the population through the prism of educational and methodological support for future specialists.
Abramov S.V., Titov G.I., Sokolovsky S.I., Dnepr. Teaching and methodological support of a healthy lifestyle in the preparation of future specialists. International experience and cooperation.
Zhukova L.P., Voitenko A.V., Kyiv. View of a healthy lifestyle. Complementary medicine in Ukraine and the world.
School of health practitioners, specialists and young scientists and students, master class, conference hall.
November 25, 2022, 13:30-16.30
Time limit – 15 min.,
Yastrebov Nikolai Nikolaevich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Zelenyuk Oksana Vladimirovna, Ph.D. brought up. and sports
Parakhin Anatoly Ivanovich
Shitikov Timofey Alexandrovich
Shust Vasily Vladimirovich
Secretary: Anna Kravchenko
Venue – Conference Hall
Drozd N.V., Dobrovolskaya N.A., Garnik T.P., Kyiv. State educational policy on a healthy lifestyle.
Balykin V.B., Dobrovolskaya N.A., Garnik T.P., Gorova E.V., Kyiv. Modern approaches to the implementation of educational policy to ensure a healthy lifestyle in schools in the European region and Ukraine.
Balykin V.B., Garnyk T.P., Gorova E.V., Yastrebov M.M., Kyiv. The essence of state policy to ensure a healthy lifestyle. Methodological bases for reforming a healthy lifestyle.
Safronova Yu.V., Garnyk T.P., Kravchenko A.V., Zelenyuk O.V., Kyiv. Modern world problems of youth in the era of globalization – ensuring a healthy lifestyle. A way to overcome risk factors for youth health. Priority areas of health-saving activities of health promotion schools.
Moroz O.V., Garnik T.P., Skolota E.V., Kyiv. Regulatory support of the state educational policy on a healthy lifestyle of young people.
Bassist M.V., T.P. Garnik, Golub V.P., Zelenyuk O.V., Kyiv. Hydrotherapy as a method of restoring health. The history of development.
Zemnaya N.P., Kyiv. “Green planet” to restore health.
Zhukova L.P., Kyiv. Complementary medicine: bioenergy-informational methods of diagnostics and health correction
Parakhin A.I., Kyiv. Osteopathy. Scientific and methodological substantiation of manual therapy in the diagnosis and medical practice of a doctor
Nagornyak S.M., Odessa. Author’s balms for healing.
11/25/2022 14:00 -16:30 Poster presentations (online)
Moderators: Andriyuk Lukyan Vasilyevich
Voloshin Alexander Ivanovich
Trikash Nikolay Vladimirovich
Kovaleva Olga Vladimirovna
Kovalenko Olga Evgenievna
Sokolovsky Sergey Ivanovich
Secretary: Shust Vasily Vladimirovich
Nazarchuk I.A., Kharkov. The therapeutic effect of complementary / alternative (folk and non-traditional) medicine from the position of correction of the psycho-emotional state in patients with vertebral neurological disorders.
Osipenko O.D., Ukraine – Germany. New methods of diagnostics and correction in the formation of positive life values.
Kravchenko A.V., Kyiv. Psychological features of professional communication of physical therapists
Skolota E.V., Kyiv. The results of a molding experiment on the development of assertiveness in future lawyers.
Nazarchuk I.A., Kharkov. Prospects for attracting complementary / alternative (traditional and non-traditional) medicine funds for the treatment of cognitive impairment.
THOSE. Noisy, Prof. S.V. Abramov, Assoc., G.I. Titov, Associate Professor, Baibakov V.M., Prof., A.I. Boyko, Assoc., N.V. Evtushenko, ass., L.Ya. Adegov, ass., Svyatoun N.A. – applicant, Dnipro.The main aspects of the management of children with bronchial asthma.
Stepanov E.V., Pasechnik S.V., Nezhin. Influence of environmental factors on the concentration of rutin flavonoids in medicinal plant materials
Levitsky A.P., Velichko V.V., Selivanskaya I.A., Lapinskaya A.P., Pupin T.I., Odessa – Lvov. Influence of sugar on the biosynthesis of fatty acids in the liver of rats fed a fat-free diet.
Sgorenets-Tobachuk Yu.V., Lutsk. Methods of natural-spiritual treatment and restoration of the integrity of the organism A.Tabachuk.
Adamovich A.V., Dobrovolskaya N.A., Garnik T.P., Gorova E.V., Shust V.V. Health promotion school concept.
M.S. Sapozhnik, N.A. Dobrovolskaya, A.V. Kravchenko, E.V. Skolota,
M.M.Yastrebov. Modern theories of globalization
I.P. Evtushenko. Composition and classification of therapeutic mud
E.Brilko, T.P.Garnik. State educational policy on healthy lifestyles
V.V. Goncharov. Mindfulness as one of the most important elements of maintaining a healthy lifestyle
ON THE. Gorchakova, O.V. Shumeiko, O.V. Klimenko. Ways to improve the efficiency of mastering the pharmacology of herbal medicines in medical universities
November 25, 2022 17:00-17:30
Time limit for reports – 5 min.
Meeting of the participants and the board of the NGO “Association of Specialists in Traditional and Alternative Medicine of Ukraine” – online
presiding: Garnik Tatyana Petrovna
Co-chairs: Andriyuk Lukyan Vasilievich
Abramov Sergey Viktorovich
Dobrovolskaya Natalia Anatolievna
Kovaleva Olga Vladimirovna
Tkachuk Larisa Vasilievna
Secretary: Demidova Elena Akimovna
17:00-17:30 – Discussion of reports. Discussions.
Reports of the chairpersons of the meetings
17:35-17:50– Adoption of a Congressional resolution. Presentation of certificates, certificates
17:55 -18:00 – Ceremonial closing of the Congress